Commands for: vvbald

!2024The year is 2024. You open up Twitch, somewhat hoping to be disappointed. Unfortunately you are not, and VVBald is live. You click on the stream and begin watching VVBald 3t fish on his 15th HCIM. You type WideHard and vvbaldGeggle , but deep down, you feel cold. The joy is gone. In what should be your prime ( bjornoPrime ttv/bjorn) of your life, you are a grown man watching another grown man click a rock for 12 hours a day. VVegaFestive "Happy" new year.
!7tvDelete 7tv extension install it via frankerz addons
!a_rogue_entRest in peace Matanya. You will never be forgotten. <3
!albertAber Purchai Gabindo Carlem Camerinthum"
!babaLook what bald taught me peepoHappy 🔪 🐒 Deadge ♻️
!bankRL Plugin: Bank tag layout
!basically/me No, vvbald is a complete and utter waste of bandwidth. Watching him is like staring into the abyss of incompetence and boredom. He's about as entertaining as a brick.
!behe/me Drugculars
!body masori body 55kc
!borisBrejcha-only: //
!broBromygod bro
!btcCurrent BTC price: ${maths:Floor((1/{url:})/1000)},{maths:Round(1/{url:}, 0) - (Floor((1/{url:})/1000)*1000)} 💰
!claw I turned mic on for reaction, but it didn't work so enjoy the 3Kool
!considerConsider this mate 🖕
!cool/me CoolCat
!cub 11kc
!death3Soon ™
!defendApplecatrun DEFEND Applecatrun DEFEND Applecatrun DEFEND Applecatrun DEFEND Applecatrun DEFEND Applecatrun DEFEND Applecatrun DEFEND Applecatrun DEFEND Applecatrun DEFEND Applecatrun DEFEND Applecatrun DEFEND Applecatrun DEFEND Applecatrun DEFEND Applecatrun DEFEND Applecatrun DEFEND Applecatrun DEFEND Applecatrun DEFEND Applecatrun DEFEND Applecatrun DEFEND Applecatrun DEFEND Applecatrun DEFEND Applecatrun DEFEND Applecatrun DEFEND Applecatrun DEFEND
!defend2NIBBLE BACK BaileyNibble NIBBLE BACK BaileyNibble NIBBLE BACK BaileyNibble NIBBLE BACK BaileyNibble NIBBLE BACK BaileyNibble NIBBLE BACK BaileyNibble NIBBLE BACK BaileyNibble NIBBLE BACK BaileyNibble NIBBLE BACK BaileyNibble NIBBLE BACK BaileyNibble NIBBLE BACK BaileyNibble NIBBLE BACK
!destorax/me To be fair, you need a high iq to understand destorax. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. - Destorax
!dmmDeadman: Armageddon begins Friday, July 19th at 17:00 BST!
!dnbNormal dnb: No vocal dnb: Wicked dnb:
!exit🚪 👈 VVKool There's the door if you don't enjoy the music
!fly VVBaldTweakyAreYouSeriouslyQuestioningExistance XD40 🪰 🖥️
!followagetry !followed
!followsoundvvbald shut the fuck up about kebab prices
!gachiI have nothing against billy but for 10 gifted you can link two of your finest gachi songs gachiBLOW
!goatgreatest of all time
!groupJonko WideHard Ritz RitzMitz Drag widepeepoHappy Nammus NaM and an idiot WideBald
!horIt's just a room with bathroom tiles, bro
!jonko2 kinda narrow, jonko
!kickI will start Cross-Streaming to kick soon so you have an AD-Free alternative to watch. Follow:
!KoningMidas bjornoCute
!koningmidas2 bjornoCute
!levoot 🐱
!lowcostFor the lowcost of 10 gifted subs you can request Irish Banger on the radio
!lurkThank you for lurking {sender} vvbaldLove vvbaldLurk
!marksOn the ardy rooftop marks only spawn in 1 spot, when a new mark adds on the stack it resets the despawn timer. Meaning you can pick it up last run before you leave. BE CAREFUL IF YOU DC THEY DESPAWN
!nexusRL Plugin: Nexus Menu Map
!offlyne // Join the discord for notifications:
!opiez2 Twitch
!parrot/me RareParrot RareParrot RareParrot RareParrot RareParrot
!partyThisIsMeSmokin -> vvbaldThisIsMeTune 🍺 -> ThisIsMeParty 🍻 -> vvbaldThisIsMeRavin 💊 -> ThisIsMeOnDrugs PJSugar -> ThisIsMeOverheating
!pathRL Plugin: Shortest Path
!plansScout and drop empty jugs
!playlistTechno: // Hard Techno: // Normal dnb: // Hardstyle: //⠀Dance: // All In One: // Youtube All in one:
!raidvvbaldThisIsMeRavin BALD RAID vvbaldThisIsMeRavin BALD RAID vvbaldThisIsMeRavin BALD RAID vvbaldThisIsMeRavin BALD RAID vvbaldThisIsMeRavin BALD RAID vvbaldThisIsMeRavin BALD RAID vvbaldThisIsMeRavin BALD RAID vvbaldThisIsMeRavin BALD RAID vvbaldThisIsMeRavin BALD RAID vvbaldThisIsMeRavin BALD RAID vvbaldThisIsMeRavin BALD RAID vvbaldThisIsMeRavin BALD RAID vvbaldThisIsMeRavin BALD RAID vvbaldThisIsMeRavin BALD RAID vvbaldThisIsMeRavin BALD RAID
!readyRL Plugin: Time tracking reminder EntireBirdhouseRun
!ritzerkjeks/me I don't know, but it's probably because he's a brainless idiot who can't remember a simple password. Maybe he should stick to playing Neopets instead of pretending to be a real gamer.
!rockyMay he rest in peace peepoSad
!rulesOda, emily and narrow emotes can result in a ban. Requesting songs with dutch lyrics and chatting dutch can result in a permanent ban.
!scheduleYou can check out the streaming schedule in the discord:
!seed 101kc
!statsIronman account:
!steviey 2 hours later:
!suggestGot a suggestion? Fill out the form here!
!sympathy/me when i read "combing my hair", i felt sympathy with mr. bald. i assumed he was a long haired fella such as myself. it was only seconds after i realized my idiocy. my ignorance, even. i played myself a fool. but i will live to tell the story, so that my children might be smarter than i was. - Aubury 2022
!tempoross2683 Permits: 140 Caskets:
!test{sender} vietNaM 📣 test successful
!thebaldexperience/me ainsleySpicy
!tranceTrance 1: Trance 2: Kwuaggas trance:
!venatorbow 745kc finished
!vpnGet an exclusive Surfshark VPN deal! Enter promo code Bjorn for up to 86% off and up to 4 months for 🆓 at ! #ad 🦈
!wiggleWiggle WICKEDLY WIGGLE Wiggly WigglyAiko WigglyReindeer vvbaldWiggle
!yid vvbaldLove
!youtube &
?pog{sender} rolled {random:100}
-1rockyHonestly you dont even need to scout, just dont announce you are going into the wildy then go afk with your private on and not hop worlds
ApplecatrunApplecatrun {count}
baldyvvbaldAnyEggs Yes ?
bfoilMeetingbfoilMeeting {count}
odaCapSo you decided to type an odaCap
vvbaldAnyEggsvvbaldAnyEggs {count}