Channel | Description |
!8ball <phrase> | Ask a Magic 8 Ball a question |
!addblacklist <phrase> | Temporarily adds a phrase to the channel's blacklist |
!addcom <command> <output> | Adds a new command to the channel |
!addquote <quote> | Adds a new quote to the channel |
!addregular <user> | Adds a new regular to the channel |
!addsubcom <command> <output> | Add sub only command |
!addurl <url without http:// OR www.> <safe|timeout in seconds|ban> | Adds new URL to channel |
!birthday <name> | Sings happy birthday (Developer only) |
!bosses | Sends link to their bosses page |
!clearblacklist | Clears the temporary blacklist |
!commands | Sends link to their commands page |
!cstats <player> | Gets the OSRS combat stats of a user |
!delcom <command> | Deletes a command |
!delkc <boss> | Deletes a boss KC |
!delquote <quote ID> | Deletes a quote with the specified ID |
!delregular <user> | Deletes a regular user |
!delurl <url without http:// OR www.> | Deletes a URL |
!editcom <command> <output> | Edits an existing command in channel |
!editquote <quote ID> <quote> | Edits an existing quote in channel |
!editurl <url without http:// OR www.> <safe|timeout in seconds|ban> | Edits existing URL in channel |
!entries <giveaway key> | Gets the number of entries in a running giveaway |
!followed [user] | Gets when a user followed the channel |
!game [new game] | Gets or sets the stream game |
!giveaway <giveaway key> | Triggers a standard giveaway in a channel |
!highlights | Gets the highlights for channel |
!hlv [Description] | Adds a stream highlight with the current timestamp |
!kc <boss> | Gets the killcount of a given boss |
!links | Gets the bot links for channel |
!monthsubs | Gets the number of subs in the current month |
!newvid | Get's the channel's latest youtube video if configured |
!nextstream [next stream date] | Gets or sets the next scheduled stream time |
!OsrsWiki <Page> | Gets the basic description from the OSRS Wiki |
!permit <user> | Adds or removes a users permit to send any link in this channel |
!quote [quote ID] | Gets a specific quote from channel |
!quotes | Sends link to their quotes page |
!removeblacklist <phrase> | Removes an item from the temporary blacklist |
!removecom <command> | Deletes a command |
!removekc <boss> | Removes a boss KC |
!removequote <quote ID> | Deletes a quote with the specified ID |
!removeregular <user> | Deletes a regular user |
!removeurl <url without http:// OR www.> | Deletes a URL |
!reroll <giveaway key> | ReRolls a winner from a previous giveaway |
!rewards | Sends link to their rewards page |
!say <phrase> | Makes the bot say something (Developer only) |
!setkc [+|-]<count> <boss> | Sets a boss KC |
!song | Gets the currently playing song as set by API |
!sr <Search term> | Requests a song if enabled |
!stream | Gets the next scheduled stream time |
!streamsubs | Gets the number of subs in the current stream |
!subcount | Gets the total subcount of the stream |
!subgiveaway <giveaway key> | Starts a sub-only giveaway |
!test | Is an example test command to see if the bot is working. |
!title [new title] | Gets or sets the stream title |
!trivia | Starts a new trivia question |
!uptime | Gets stream uptime |
!viewers | Gets the current viewer count |
!winner [giveaway key] | Chooses a winner from a running giveaway |
!winnerx <count> [giveaway key] | Chooses X winners from a running giveaway |