Commands for: neitiznutjr

!candleTeam candle on my chest BUSSERS
!phoneprobably dead
!raidPoggies Jr raid neitizWhite neitizJr
!yesterday3rd Crystal armour seed! Pog
!500if we hit 500 follower before july 31st I'll be shaving my head <3
!arcane🥄 1454kc 🥄
!b3blast 3 purples been 3 megas being 2 t bows and 1 elder
!cgHYPERS Killcount: 324 / Log: Youngllef x1 (229kc), Crystal armour seed x5, Crystal weapon seed x4, Enhanced crystal weapon seed x1 (171kc)
!cgplankx0r6ztGiggle Jr has died {count} times at Gauntlet x0r6ztGiggle
!chairWant to game in ultimate style and comfort? Pick up your very own neitizChair from the IKEA Urban Range | Use Code: 'Jr' in-store for absolutely 0% off and bad back posture! You can also find the chair second-hand for less than $20 online!:
!cox --> elder 2755
!deiron If I dont get purple from toa in my name at 200 kc (currently 142kc) I'll be de-ironing and go for zuk helm/ speeding chambers something I always wanted to do. Dont want to spend 500+hours to get a ''chance'' to receive an upgrade.
!dinkdonkdinkDonk weep woop
!giveloveSuccessfully given {channel} your love.
!goalsGet 1 more armour seed - Corrupt the Bowfa - Raids & Inferno - Complete GWD
!icedemonpeepoLeave Jr has left {count} raids because of Ice Demon.
!infernal2nd zuk, 15th attempt
!lastraidit's Jr's last raid nr. {count} x0r6ztGiggle
!love{channel} has been given {count} loves.
!pbMy solo cox pb:
!scoutIf you scout me a raid ill pay you 0gp | If purple: I give bond | If tbow: I give 250m | pepeD
!skipsongWideDinkDonk skip song streamer pls
!subhypepeepoHYPE Thank you for the sub!! peepoHYPE