Commands for: mortal_mint

!bttvbetterTTV is an addon for browsers to have an enhanced Twitch experience which includes enhancing chat and also see extra emotes that are BTTV specific and not available on Twitch globally. You can find out more and get it at
!discordYou wanna chill and chat on discord? Click here!
!giveloveSuccessfully given {channel} your love.
!ketchupClick here to understand the Ketchup emote:
!love{channel} has been given {count} loves.
!lurkJust being here helps a lot {sender}! Thanks!
!PrimeAh, so you've used the prime command. I guess you want me to remind people that if they have Amazon Prime they can sub to this channel for free? Well yes you can! Click --> <-- for more info!
!scheduleI stream Sundays/Tuesdays/Thursdays @11pm in The Queen's time. Grab a cuppa tea and a Greggs Sausage roll and watch :)
!TwitchPrimeAh, so you've used the prime command. I guess you want me to remind people that if they have Amazon Prime they can sub to this channel for free? Well yes you can! Click --> <-- for more info!